Because when you start with 0, and you add 3 people, you’re growin’ fast 🔥
Saturday, February 17, 2018 (hangover edition)
By Colin McIntosh, Sheets & Giggles CEO / former head hunter turned bedding mogul
August 2024: After many years of being asked, as a personal passion project in my spare time, I've finally created an automated resume builder that you can use as an "easy button" vs my super popular DIY free resume template. Hope it's even more helpful for those needing resume builds! My resume continues to be one of the most popular on the internet, having been used used millions of times by people all over the world. I'm so grateful to have touched so many people's lives!
December 2022 edit: You're probably coming here from Part 1 of my reddit resume advice. With the new round of layoffs hitting the economy (time is a flat circle), I also want to highlight Part 2 of my reddit job hunting advice, which has my top 12 job seeker FAQs.
04/05/2020 edit: I've been getting more emails and PMs on Reddit about this post lately, possibly from the historic layoffs in the US due to COVID–19. Whether or not that's the case for you, I sincerely hope this resume helps you find a better job than you had going into this mess. In addition to having S&G help how we can, I'm going to do my best personally to find free time on the weekends and evenings to answer Reddit PMs and emails about resumes and job hunting. All my best to you and yours, and I hope you're all staying safe out there.
Original Feb. 2018 Edit: This blog post is now the #1-all-time post on /r/jobs. What the sheet...
More importantly, thousands of people have messaged me to let me know that my advice helped them find a job, which is amazing, and we're sure there are tons more who haven't taken the time to message us. Helping others feels... good? Plus, all that sweet sweet reddit karma.
If you land a new job with my help, maybe celebrate with a new set of Eucalyptus sheets, our adjustable pillow, or a natural mattress – code RESUME saves 10% at checkout!
Ok here's the original post...
Stop sending us your resumes.
Since Sheets & Giggles announced our business plans a month ago, we’ve been inundated with tens of thousands of resumes and cover letters. More or less. (For those who can't read sarcasm, mostly less.)
In any case, they’re all just... awful. (In format, not content ;p)
So, as a former recruiter, I figured you could all use some help with your resume formatting.
(In an interview, if you'd say your greatest weakness is your attention span, skip reading the rest and download my free resume template here. Plug in your info, and away you go!)
Unfortunately, we can't do anything about job applications that ask you to upload your resume, only to immediately force you to painstakingly type in everything anyway. Sorry. You should probably just avoid those companies.
If you want to get all the tips of the trade, make sure you read to the end of this quick post – there's a fun surprise waiting for you down there.
“Why is a bedding CEO writing about resume formats?”
Well, technically I am not just a CEO (I am a human being, you see). Back in the day before I slung sheets, I was a recruiter for some of the largest and most successful companies in the world. Additionally, I'm a frequent redditor in my spare time, with unmedicated ADHD. Put these things together, and baby, you got a stew goin'.
Anyway, there was a recent post on Reddit where someone was lamenting that they had sent out dozens of applications, but hadn't heard back from anyone. I commented and told them they probably had a bad resume format and to PM me with it so I could review it for them, and about 50 other redditors ended up sending me their resumes to review. I don't have time to do all of them, especially not for free, so this morning I sat down and wrote a long reddit post about resume advice and formatting, which I've republished here to disseminate further to help even more people.
You're lucky – I usually charge for this, but I like you.
General resume advice:
- Use a gmail email address. Delete your hotmail with extreme prejudice.
- Don't put an objective section or summary. It'll be skipped, and it's space that can be used better.
- Unless you have 20+ years' experience, make it 1 page. You can do it.
- Don't put your full address. "City, State" is enough.
- Name your resume "FirstName LastName Resume" and that's it. Never submit it with "(Project Management)" or "Final" or "2018" or literally anything else in the file name.
- Always submit it as a PDF, never as a Word doc. You never know how wonky a Word doc will look on someone else's machine.
- Try to read it in 10 seconds or less and see what you take away from it. That's about the initial screen time before someone makes an initial up/down decision, so you'll want to examine it from that perspective.
- Interests are important because it gives the interviewer something to connect with you on, and it makes you more than just a faceless resume. If you put Seinfeld, I promise someone will ask you what your favorite episode of Seinfeld is (mine's the Soup Nazi).
That's the most important stuff. Here's that resume template download link again.
You’re still reading. Nice 🍕
You’re now one of the few to know that this Thursday (2/22), Sheets & Giggles will start our first #FreePizzaFriday contest at 4pm ET on our Instagram and Facebook. Whatever pic we post, just like it and tag someone who may also want free pizza. At midnight, we’ll pick one of the commenters and deliver 2 free pizzas to them that weekend! We might even throw in cheesy bread if we're feeling magnanimous.
Keep an eye out; nobody knows about this yet except for you... and anyone else reading this. So just you.
Now get out there and nail that interview. Maybe one day you'll even realize your dream of working at S&G in an unpaid entry-level role (10+ years' experience required, must work on weekends, no benefits). Wouldn't that be something? Your mom would be so proud.
ICYMI: our last blog on how to start a business
Or travel into the future and read about S&G's benevolence.
^What my personal resume would look like these days. Click here to download this format. Good luck, don't blow it.
Oooh I like that girl’s comment about buying sheets from y’all if I get a job with your advice! Agreed. My partner and I are going to need to new sheets when we move, and we can’t move until I have a job, so…. here goes! Thanks for everything!!
Trying this, Im already having an easier experience with this daunting task, I will let you know, I feel positive!L
ove these vibes! Thanks!
It’s now February of 2024 and I’m going to try all of this. Please tell your CMO that if I get a job using your resume template, the very first thing I will do is buy sheets from Sheets & Giggles.
Unfortunately I’m here because I’m laid off and can’t buy them at the moment, so a pinkie promise will need to suffice (for now).
It says thursday 2/22 but that is a wednesday. Which did you mean? Thank you.
Thanks! Still giving out ’za?