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Sheets & Giggles' Response to COVID-19 | $40,000+ Donated to Relief

Sheets & Giggles' Response to COVID-19 | $40,000+ Donated to Relief

From the entire S&G Team

May 2020 update: Amazon has named Sheets & Giggles as 1 of 6 small businesses making an impact during the COVID–19 pandemic due to our donations of cash and bedding to help those in need and to help stop the spread. We're flattered by and grateful for the inclusion.


Hello S&G Community,

You may have caught a news story or two about the global pandemic disrupting life as we know it. (If you haven’t, we’re sorry you had to find out like this.) We hope everyone is staying safe and sane during this challenging – and truly surreal – time.

We’re writing to let you know that in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 and #flattenthecurve, we are following the recommendations of the CDC by working from home for the foreseeable future (as well as for the unforeseeable future, because that’s just how time works). Aside from a mild case of cabin fever and bone dry hands, the S&G team is healthy and motivated.

S&G is happy to report that our business operations are continuing without interruption – we'll continue to be your favorite purveyors of sustainable, unrealistically nice eucalyptus bedding. We've taken every possible precaution from remote work to our warehousing, and just in case you were wondering if it's safe to receive a package, the World Health Organizaiton says "yep"

No stress, open the box

Now, to the main reason we're writing today: although we're not the largest company in Colorado (yet), we feel lucky to say that we're in a strong, stable position due to years of hard work and the continued support and word of mouth from the S&G community (we literally can't thank you enough). 

To that end, we're doing 5 things to help:

1) Donating Resources

Right away, we jumped to donate sheet sets, fitted sheets, flat sheets, and pillowcases to Denver-area homeless shelters, which are getting hit hard right now.

Our first drop-off was at one of our largest homeless shelter partners, Denver Rescue Mission.

As one of Colorado's better-known bedding brands (say that three times fast), we've also been asked by city leaders to procure and donate sheets, towels, blankets, and other home textiles to help make life more comfortable for people that will overrun Denver-area shelters. We're beyond excited to contribute in such a meaningful way.

To start, we packed up and dropped off hundreds of Twin and Twin XL sheet sets we had on hand to outfit those emergency shelters ahead of anticipated COVID-19 overflow, and we're working hard to procure a broader list of needed goods as we anticipate our city's needs will soon stretch into the thousands of units.

(Related note – we're currently out of Twin and Twin XL. We hope you understand!)

Dropping off from a safe social distance!

Dropping off from a safe social distance!


2) Donating Money – 20% of Daily Sales, $5,000 Upfront
May 2020 update: We ended up donating $40,000 in cash to the Colorado COVID–19 Emergency Relief Fund. Thank you to the entire S&G community for your love and support that enabled us to do this for those in most need.

Our team is eager to help people get through this and come out on the other side any way we can. The tricky part is deciding how to help the most people in the most effective way as a small business. After a few days of discussion to weigh different options and hear ideas from everyone, the S&G team decided on weekly donations of 20% of our revenue (not profits, but gross revenue) for the next 30 days to the Colorado COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, hosted by Gov. Jared Polis, the State of Colorado, and Mile High United Way.

We hope that donating 20% of sales will help folks long-term every day during this crisis, but to get the ball rolling on this new emergency fund, S&G donated the first $5,000 directly tonight (3/19), as Coloradans need help right now.

According to Colorado Governor Jared Polis, the funds will go to “communities who are disproportionately impacted by the outbreak.” We ultimately chose this fund because of its flexibility and ability to direct donations to local communities most in need, as well as because of the many people and organizations we trust who are backing it.

To be clear, this isn’t a crass marketing ploy to sell more sheets. You won't see a "COVID Discount" like so many other companies have been seemingly unable to resist. (For all the Sales VP's who thought this week was the perfect time to launch a Coronavirus-centric marketing campaign... maybe rethink that?)

We’re a small team and a young company, and we're champing at the bit to help people during this crisis. (If we could cut a check for a billion dollars, we wouldn’t hesitate. Looking at you, Bezos.)

As we always say, if you don't need sheets, don't buy them :)

That said, if you do need sheets, throw blankets, a duvet cover, pillowcases, or a comforter while you're working from bed, please know that 20% of your purchase will go directly to people hit hardest by this crisis.


3) Donating Time

In addition to donating money and sheets, we also plan on donating our time at food banks, shelters, or wherever else volunteers are needed. We urge you to join us, if you feel comfortable and safe doing so.

If you live in the Denver area, this is a good place to find volunteer opportunities. If you live outside Colorado, look into your local food banks, homeless shelters, or nursing homes.

If you can't get out of the house, even a few phone calls to people sheltered in place could make a world of difference. (It’s also a good excuse to try out your best dad jokes.) 


4) Delivering Occasionally Decent Content

As always, we aim to live up to the second half of our name by bringing some levity to these dark times. (Because if you can’t laugh during the apocalypse, what’s the point?)

We’re working on some fun stuff to help you stay un-bored, including a video series featuring (other) fun things you can do in bed, as well as sponsoring live-streamed yoga, crafting, art, and music classes for parents and kids.

Other companies give you tips on how to avoid going insane while stuck at home. We're thinking we'll probably do the opposite.


5) Whatever Else We Can

Please stay tuned, as we'll update this blog post as S&G's efforts expand, and we'll write new posts about any major initiatives we can use your help with.

We have some interesting ideas that we're developing further, and we're all ears for any of yours. If you know some ways we can help further, please email, or DM us @SheetsGiggles.


6) Covid Co-Op – 04/02/2020 Update

In partnership with, we just launched Covid Co-Op, a volunteer project spearheaded by S&G. An idea based on our initial pledge, we reached out to brands to ask them to join us in donating a percentage of sales to COVID–19 emergency funds. As of April 8, Covid Co-Op was named a winner of a global hackathon with more than 1,500 submissions!

Every brand on has pledged to donate a percentage of sales that originate from that site to COVID–19 emergency relief funds, so if you need things while sheltering in place, start your search there! And if you have a small business and you'd like to take the pledge, you can do so at


If we’re going to get through this – and we are – we’re going to get through it together... but also, you know, apart... because social distancing and stuff. So, stay safe, hug your family and pets, and get lots and lots of good sleep to keep that immune system healthy and strong. 

If you have questions, ideas, or suggestions on how we can support you or someone you know, don’t hesitate to reach out via email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and, sure, LinkedIn. We even made a TikTok recently (we must be truly desperate for human connection).

Talk soon.

Love always,

The S&G Team


Watch a Message from Our CEO (Sorry in Advance for the Robe)



6 comments on Sheets & Giggles' Response to COVID-19 | $40,000+ Donated to Relief

  • Sheets & Giggles™
    Sheets & Giggles™May 26, 2020

    Hi Kerby! We’ll shoot you an email now, and yep we’ve donated dozens of sheet sets to healthcare workers, including to your colleagues at Morningside! We’ll see if we can help you out! Thanks so much for all that you do.

  • Kerby A
    Kerby AMay 26, 2020

    Good afternoon,
    I am a registered nurse at Mount Sinai Morningside. My coworker disclosed that you guys were donating sheets to healthcare workers. I wanted to inquire about your offer myself. If this is true, how would I qualify for this donation?

  • Jen Beaven
    Jen BeavenApril 04, 2020

    I’m about to sacrifice the hem of a beautiful s&g pillowcase to the gods of better-than-nothing masks. If you guys could make some of the type that look like a surgical mask with a pocket in the middle to put a filter in, I’d buy a bunch.

  • Kristie Golden
    Kristie GoldenMarch 21, 2020

    Thank you!!! Community is what makes life easier. You’re a great example. Im proud to own/highly recommend your product. #S&GFORLIFE #COMMUNITY #CARING

  • Sheets & Giggles™
    Sheets & Giggles™March 20, 2020

    Hey Nicole! Thank you for the kind words. We’re actually looking into that as we type, but didn’t want to announce anything that we’re not 100% sure we can accomplish in a timely fashion. We do have specs for N95 and surgical masks and our product team is on the case, and we’re hopeful we’ll be able to deliver some!

    That said, our wonderful Boulder-based apparel-making friends at Shinesty ( have figured out how to manufacture masks already and we know they’re already offering them to hospitals, so huge shout-out for them for their foresight and moving so quickly on this.

    Thank you for the suggestion!

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