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Our India Trip + Manufacturing + Shipping Timeline

Our India Trip + Manufacturing + Shipping Timeline

This blog post is also a jet-lagged update for backers of our Indiegogo campaign, which ended up being the largest ever Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for bed sheets! (Definitely going to put that on a t-shirt at some point.)

By Colin McIntosh, CEO & guy who gets lost in the Mumbai airport

TL;DR – Production is going swimmingly, S&G is shipping in 6-8 weeks, we had a super fun time in India, and you're gonna love this sheet.


We've wanted to post this update for a couple weeks, but we've been racking up the miles lately and haven't had a spare moment to sit down and type!

At the end of June, S&G took a trip to India to visit our manufacturing plants, inspect production progress, and enjoy the balmy summer weather. We were even able to smuggle a few sheet sets back stateside bring some sample products back in compliance with all U.S. Customs laws.

In short:

  • As promised, we're on pace to ship our first orders by end of August! 🎉
    • We apologize for being the weird crowdfunding campaign that ships on time instead of shipping in a few years / never. (Looking at you, Coolest Cooler.)
  • With our logistics capacity, we believe we'll be able to ship our first 1,000 packages by end of August, and we'll get the remaining 3,000-ish out the door as fast as we can throughout September. (We'll ship according to order number, as we think that's the fairest process.)
  • Stay tuned for an email next Monday, July 30, where you'll confirm that we have your correct order and shipping information.

Read on for pics, gifs, and some other fun info about how our eucalyptus lyocell sheets are made. Also, pro tip: don't drink the tap water in India (not that I made a huge mistake or anything).

picture of a beach in Mumbai

Mumbai is totally gorgeous, right?

In long:

Our Manufacturing Partner

Some quick facts on our partner based in Mumbai:

  • They help run sustainably managed, biodiverse eucalyptus farms where our wood pulp is harvested. The farms are spread across the globe, with locations in Canada, Sweden, South Africa, and India.
  • For every tree we harvest for our fabric production, we plant two more.
  • They're the largest employer in the cities in India where they make our sheets.
  • They pay their factory employees monthly salaries (not hourly wages), have maximum 8-hour workdays, and pay overtime. 
  • Everyone that works there is super photogenic for some reason:

S&G Quality Inspection Lyocell Sheets

"Sheets looking good, but not as good as me."


The Process by Which Your Eucalyptus Lyocell Sheets Come To Life

In gif form, because that's more entertaining:


Lyocell Sheets spinning in the factory
Could watch this for hours.


Lyocell Sheets being extruded
Forbidden pasta.


turning fiber into yarn
Turning the fiber into yarn!


a machine that ensures no thread is wasted
This nifty machine makes sure every single thread gets used, so nothing goes to waste!


a man connecting threads by hand in a factory
This guy literally reconnects threads by hand whenever they break apart.


a machine making lyocell sheets in a factory
Sewing. (These are actually your sheets.)


a large sewing machine in a factory
More sewing. (Do you know how much these machines cost? A lot.)


quality assurance test at the factory
One of many quality assurance tests. Super crucial. There's that handsome dude again.


Water Conservation

Check out what the plant produces as a byproduct on the left ("before") and what they turn it into on the right ("after") via a multi-million dollar filtration system. They then reuse the clean water on the right and pump it back into the manufacturing process, ensuring that not a single drop of H20 is wasted.

water before and after filtration

Sorry for the bad photoshop. I did it myself.

Textiles can be a dirty business. Many other factories in the world just pour their wastewater byproducts into nearby streams, rivers, and oceans, but not ours. Their emphasis on and investment in reducing pollution can't be overstated, and we're proud to work with such an environmentally conscious manufacturer.

More info on our sustainability can be found at (That's also a great link to share if you want to introduce friends to this punny, really eco-friendly company you stumbled across; hint hint. Just click here to post that page to Facebook, or click to tweet!)


The Product

And here we have the fruits of our labor:

Sheets & Giggles Lyocell Sheets

Is it weird to call sheets sexy?


Lyocell sheets in navy blue

If you look closely, you can see that we edited the packaging a bit. That's because we don't want to spoil some of the fun surprises when you open your box. 


Timeline for Delivery

Sheets: last week of August and throughout September.

Extra Pillowcases: ditto.

Duvet Covers: same.

Comforters: Based on popular demand, we designed, added, and began producing comforters later than everything else. Because of that, we're on pace to ship by October, and we'll keep you posted should anything change in one direction or the other!


Important Note

As we head into August, we want to make sure we have all orders, names, and shipping addresses correct in our database. We'll send out an email next Monday, July 30, asking you to make sure that everything we have for you is correct.

We can't wait to ship out everyone's sheets, and we're working like crazy to fulfill all your wildest fantasies (and also your orders). Shipping update

As always, reach out to with any questions! We'll get back to you uncomfortably quickly.

And if you're just stumbling across this blog post and haven't yet ordered your very own S&G eucalyptus lyocell bedding... :)

2 comments on Our India Trip + Manufacturing + Shipping Timeline

  • Jaynee Schwenker
    Jaynee SchwenkerAugust 14, 2018

    Interested in your sheets, sizes, prices and color choices.

  • Amanda Smith
    Amanda SmithJuly 23, 2018

    i ordered grey, but that purple is spectacular! i may need to think about expanding my order

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