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How To Promote A More Relaxing Bedroom Space

How To Promote A More Relaxing Bedroom Space

How To Promote A More Relaxing Bedroom Space

For many, the bedroom can be the favorite place within a home (it’s definitely ours). It’s where you start and end each day, so why not make sure that it has the most relaxing environment possible? We’ve already discussed the do’s and dont's of sleeping, so if your bedroom is feeling a bit more chaotic, rather than a relaxing place to unwind...we’ve got you covered (literally). Check out some ways we suggest to create a chill place to catch some z’s in peace.

Declutter your space

Did you know that clutter releases the stress hormone in our bodies? This hormone, known as cortisol, can cause insomnia in addition to other health concerns if your body is producing too much. Remember, you’re too blessed to be stressed. If your room feels overwhelmed with clutter and disorganization, take the time to clean and get rid of unnecessary clutter; it can really do wonders for your bedroom space! 

Rest assured that there are sure ways to cut clutter in your bedroom, like removing unneeded items from your nightstand and finding proper storage solutions for your belongings. 

Nip the technology

You’ve been living under a rock if you haven’t heard about blue light by now. While it’s commonly known to cause vision issues, overexposure to artificial blue light can also take a serious toll on your sleep schedule—yikes.

It messes with your body’s internal clock (also known as your circadian rhythm) and reduces your melatonin production. If you aren’t trying to stress about falling asleep at night, it’s a good idea to reevaluate your technology use before bed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This type of light comes not only from computers, but also televisions and phones that are often present in the bedroom. In fact, a study found that 95% of people use some type of electronics a few days a week within an hour before bed. Because overuse of technology is known to cause stress, try limiting your screen time in your bedroom to encourage a more relaxing space. Consider trying out other calming techniques, like journaling or meditating, to help view your bedroom as an easygoing space. 

Quality sheets = quality relaxation

Let’s not forget to focus on one of the most important aspects of creating a relaxing space—what you’re actually laying on. While a good mattress certainly plays a part in your quality of relaxation in your bedroom, so do the linens that you select.

There are two key factors that play into how calming your sheets can make you feel: the temperature and the softness. If you find yourself continuously hot and suffocated by your sheets, it might be time to switch to Eucalyptus sheets. Not only does the material offer a cooling element, but the silky texture can help you decompress at the end of the day.

Not only will you feel good relaxing in Eucalyptus sheets, but you can also rest easy knowing that Sheets & Giggles are better for the environment by using 96% less water and 30% less energy. 

Want to hear what our customers have to say? Check out some of our reviews.

Don’t strain your eyes

As strange as it sounds, just how relaxed you feel in a space starts with exactly how well you are seeing it...eyes on the prize. So what should you do to protect your eyes before bed?

After a long day, your eyes probably need just as much of a break as you do. For all you bookworms out there, reading can be a relaxing activity before bed. But without the correct prescription it can cause strain on your eyes. Keep a pair of eyeglasses handy on your nightstand to wear when you’re flipping through pages to ease tired eyes. Bonus, consider adding blue light lenses on top of your prescription to even better protect your eyes—I’m talking to you, ebook readers. Eye strain can lead to ongoing fatigue, so having the right glasses with an up-to-date prescription to use before bed and appropriate lighting will leave you feeling better rested and relaxed even after a full night’s sleep.

Have some extra time to sleep in in the morning? You’ll also want to think about the lighting options in your bedroom and the natural light that comes through in the morning. Blackout curtains or automated curtains can promote a darker space, allowing you to stay asleep longer. Even investing in a dimming light can create a soft glow in the morning and help you avoid unnecessarily harsh light for a more calming effect.

Calm your senses

Your senses are what helps you perceive the world around you, including your bedroom. In order to chill out and enjoy this space, it can be helpful to find ways to play to each of your senses. What you smell, see, touch, and more can all play into just how relaxed you feel in the environment around you.

Aromatherapy can be a great addition to your nighttime routine, while many specific scents like lavender and vanilla are known to promote sleep. Similarly, finding the right bedroom temperature for your comfortability may take some fidgeting around with, but it can drastically grant you peace of mind not worrying about having to bundle up or get up to turn down the thermostat. 

There is no right or wrong way to relax in your bedroom, but the important thing is that you are able to. Try out a few of these ideas to get better sleep and feel more at ease while spending time in your bedroom.

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