Sheets & Giggles Blog

S&G and the Jax Fam Foundation: Sending Kids to College
S&G is sponsoring Santa Jax for the 2nd year in a row, and all ticket and donation proceeds will go towards financial support for qualified students to attend college.

Is thread count the most important thing when picking comfortable sheets?
Is thread count important? Thread count has long been touted as the supreme indicator of sheet quality, but is it really the end-all, be-all when it comes to picking the...

Traditional Cotton vs. Organic Cotton
Choosing between traditional and organic cotton depends on a variety of factors, including your budget, priorities, and personal preferences.

The Surprising Link Between Sleep and Weight
Research has shown that there is a link between sleep and weight, and it all has to do with hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. When we're sleep deprived, our...

The Top 10 Most Common Sleep Myths Debunked
There are many myths out there about sleep, and it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. In this post, we'll debunk some of the most common sleep myths...

Does wearing a sleep mask at night make dreams more vivid?
Why Wearing an Eye Mask Might Just Make Your Dreams Pop like Popcorn Hello there, dream weavers! Today at Sheets & Giggles, we're not just talking about our lusciously soft,...