Sheets & Giggles Blog

The Ideal Amount of Sleep: Understanding REM Cycles

The first 2-3 REM cycles are foundational, crucial for memory consolidation, emotional regulation, physical growth and repair, and brain restoration. The final 2-3 cycles then further enhance creativity, mood, bodily...

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Which bed sheets are most dust mite resistant?

Lyocell stands out as a superior textile choice for those seeking a dust mite-resistant alternative to cotton and polyester

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Why Am I Sweating at Night? Common Causes and Solutions

Night sweats, also known as nocturnal hyperhidrosis, are extremely common and can stem from a variety of causes. Understanding the reasons behind night sweats is the first step to finding long-term, personalized solutions.

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Sleeping Positions, and Their Impact on Back and Neck Pain

While changing your sleeping position might seem like a small part of your overall health, it has significant implications for your back and neck pain.

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Celebrating Earth Day with Eco-Friendly Choices: The Advantages of Lyocell Sheets

Today, let's explore why opting for Lyocell sheets over traditional cotton and polyester is a step towards a greener planet.

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Is hitting snooze bad for you? 5 reasons why you shouldn't hit snooze in the morning...

As much as it pains us to write this, hitting snooze can have legitimately negative effects on your health, productivity, and overall well-being. Here's are 5 reasons why you might want to resist the...

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